Photographers see the world differently to other people.
My sister-in-law said exactly this last night as we were watching my two year old nephew hurl his balance bike from one end of the yard to the other.
She was wondering whether he would live long enough to see bath-time…… I was wondering if I’d got time to nip back home to pick up a camera as the evening sun was back-lighting him and highlighting his spiky, blonde hair and I was nearly wetting myself with excitement.
So….at the Althorp Food Festival this weekend what did I see here?
Did I see the lovely Hannah from Curbside Cakes (who I have been trying to get in front of the camera for a maternity shoot for 8 months to no avail) and the opportunity to get a bump shot?
Yes – in fairness I did.
But like all photographers who live and breathe what they do I could see something else.
I might well have been photographing Hannah but somehow a photographer just knows and feels that there is another moment in this moment.
And if you are quick…… you will find it.
And there it was.
The man who loves her, proudly watching her every move. His wife. The mother of his children.
Never underestimate the power and all-seeing eye of a witch…….I mean photographer.