Annie Bee Portrait does not share personal information with third parties nor do we store any information about your visit to this website other than to analyse and optimise your content and reading experience through the use of cookies. You can turn off the use of cookies at anytime by changing your specific browser settings.
Annie Bee Portrait uses an externally hosted third party to manage and administer your account. Information you supply will only be held in a format necessary to best serve you as a client. If you simply contact Annie Bee Portrait to request information but choose not to become a client then personal information that you supply will be held for no longer than 18 months and will then be deleted unless you opt-in to our mailing list when this information will be retained indefinitely or until such time you opt-out.
Client details will be retained for seven years unless you opt in to our mailing list when they will be retained indefinitely or until such time you opt – out.
You may request a copy of your personal information or request that any personal information supplied is deleted or opt-out of our mailing list at any time by simply emailing or by telephoning the studio – 01604 770013.
Annie Bee Portrait is not responsible for republished content from this Website on other blogs or websites without our permission.
Any changes to this privacy policy will be made on this page. This Privacy Policy and was last updated 20th July 2019.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly at:-
Annie Bee Portrait
Oakfields Farm
East Haddon
01604 770013