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Little Gems of Northamptonshire – EWE GLAMPING

Little Gems of Northamptonshire – EWE GLAMPING

Being a photographer sometimes means you get to see exciting and beautiful things before the rest of the world. And a call from Claire meant this particular job was going to be just that! Claire was in the process of building a website and needed a library of images to start promoting  a very new…

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Rambling Thoughts for Grandparents Day 2020

Rambling Thoughts for Grandparents Day 2020

This morning I did something unbelievably special – I did a family portrait for FOUR generations! And as I watched the Little People sitting with their Great Grandparents I felt a very real weight of responsibility. The children were all super young (the oldest just four) and so WAY too young to realise how desperately…

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Never Judge A Book By Its Cover

Never Judge A Book By Its Cover

If there is one thing you learn from being a family photographer it is that there is always a lot more to people than you just see at face value. What I see through the lens at that very first shoot with you is not always what I see further down the line. By the…

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VE Day – 75 Years On

VE Day – 75 Years On

I spoke to my Mum this morning…..this 75th anniversary of VE Day. She REMEMBERS the original one…..because, like she said, “We had jelly! You were never going to forget you had jelly!” She was just a normal little girl when the war kicked off. Exactly the same age as my little niece, Erin :-  …

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Your Newborn Portraits and Safety

Your Newborn Portraits and Safety

Last night I was chatting with another newborn photographer and she sent me a little video link from ANOTHER newborn photographers Facebook page  (Yes – there are a lot of us about!) It was a little ‘Behind the Scenes’ clip showing a newborn in the studio being photographed. The baby was in what we call …

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The Trouble With Girls

The Trouble With Girls

Last Friday I was asked to photograph what – in the trade – is known as a ”Corporate Event’ (and if you don’t want to read all this then just scroll down to the bottom and you’ll find the link to your pickys!!!) Said ‘corporate event’ was actually the 18th Birthday celebrations of Secrets Boutique, a…

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A Little Moment Of Clarity

A Little Moment Of Clarity

Yesterday evening this was me. Trying to get out of London at 5pm with no train service.   (photo credit – BBC)     Which is bad enough….. but magnified somewhat if you are attempting to lug quite a lot of camera equipment with you at the same time. So – instead of sitting comfortably…

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A Portrait of A Sister

A Portrait of A Sister

Four years ago I wrote a Remembrance Day blog post about one of my clients – Joyce – that touched SO many of you I lost count of the people who got in touch with me. It was about one of us – a Mum. But a Mum who had lost her son, JJ, in…

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